I decided to start the new year off by keeping a journal. I read a newspaper article today about blogs and decided journals were old school, come to think of it, newspapers are old school too. So, instead of keeping a journal I've decided to keep a blog. I'll continue to get the newspaper though, since I enjoy that old school habit. What I like about a blog is it's access. I can set down my thoughts were ever there's an Internet connection and with the world getting wired to the Internet more and more, we'll soon have access any and everywhere.
For a little background, I currently work for a daytime TV show called "Judge Joe Brown" as an editor. I've been on the show for the past 3 1/2 years. Before that, I worked for a production company called RC Entertainment and edited 30 plus one hour shows for the Travel Channel, mostly on the subject of Las Vegas. For somebody who doesn't gamble, I know a lot about Las Vegas. I also worked on a show called MXC for the same company. I mention this because when any youth in my church hears that I worked on this show, I become somewhat of a celebrity... "you worked on that? I love that show!" I also worked on various other projects for many different companies before that, I've been editing since 1990. For the most part, I love my job and feel very fortunate to be doing what I do.
Yes, I'm a member of a church. That is something that is also very fortunate. I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and have found the Church to be my strength and my growth. It keeps me on the right path and allows me to stay the course even with my human frailties. Jesus Christ and his great atoning sacrifice...the church keeps me centered on this and that's why it's my strength. It makes me a better husband, father and person.
Yes, I'm a father. That is also a fortunate something in my life. Linda is my beautiful wife of 21 years. We have 4 children; Taryn is 15, Mandy will be 13 at the end of the month, Cole is 8 and Liam is 3. They are all joys in my life, all of them! They give me purpose and hope, love and joy as well as worry and care. In fact, one of the purposes of this blog is to give me an outlet to tell tales of these, my children and my wife (I hope they don't mind). It's something I look forward to doing.
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